I have written many essays on the fate of America should Donald Trump and the Republican Party win in 2024. In a nutshell, the U.S. Constitution will be abolished, all opposition to Trump and his party will be eliminated, and we will live under a totalitarian regime.
And now the good news. It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a good chance that Trump and his cronies will lose the election, especially with his trial in New York and his three upcoming trials, which I will not discuss here. Also, many Republicans are abandoning him, so there is hope.
More has to be done, and that is where YOU come in. You can help stop Trump and the Republican Party, which he now owns, and help avert the tyranny that is coming, and save our society.
Here’s how.
Before going any further, you know I am referring to President Biden and the Democratic Party, and for good reason.
Granted, when your candidate, whoever he or she is, is elected, you will not get instant gratification to your wants and needs. I think that is the number one problem with the American voter when it comes to politics.
President Biden has accomplished a lot economically, has started to rebuild the infrastructure, and has stood up to Vladimir Putin over Ukraine, and we have to have Ukraine win this war, whether you know it or not.
Biden’s problem is a hostile Congress. Many of his bills and proposals are been rejected by Congress simply because they are Republicans, many of them Trump Republicans, and Biden’s a Democrat who defeated Trump, and they all hate him for that, so they are doing everything they can to get revenge by destroying his administration, and that is not right.
We all must work together to rebuild the United States, because that is needed more than anything else, but the Republicans don’t want this, and they do not care.
Do you want a government like that to run this country?
Love them or hate them, Biden and the Democratic candidates for Senate, Congress, and Governor of any state must win this election.
The weapons of war that we will fight against the tyrannical threat that we face are the pen, paper, your checkbook, and your laptop.
That’s it, and this is how we (you) will use them.
Donate to President Biden and his campaign. If you have little money to donate, give what you can, even if it is just $5.00. Small amounts do add up.
You will get noticed in the mail asking for donations to Biden, and will get more after you initially donate. Donate, and donate more, and keep on donating. It is vital and it does make a difference.
Also, donate to the candidates in your own state, be it senator, governor, attorney general, or any other democratic candidate, even if he or she is from you locality.
If you get requests for donations to Congressional, Senatorial, or Gubernatorial candidates from other states from which you do not live, donate to them also. This does matter, and these candidates desperately need you help, even if they are from outside of your home state. The political make-up of the entire United States will affect your life, even if the office holder is from the other side of the country from where you live
Donate to organizations involved in this campaign. Emily’s List comes to mind, where they help democratic, pro-choice women candidates obtain the office for which they are running. Check it out.
There are indirect organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Reproduction Freedom for All PAC.
There is also VoteVets, who are military veterans against Trump, because they see him for what he is, a draft dodger and has said derogatory statements against many war veterans who died or were captured and held as POWs.
Common Cause collects money to support people going door to door to canvass voters, or to register them to vote.
Last, there are organizations such as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and the Senate Majority PAC, and these are all self explanatory.
I realize that you cannot donate to all of these candidates and organizations, but you can pick the ones you like the best and just focus your energy and money on these.
I have donated to all of the candidates I’ve mentioned above, and this is how I am fighting for my country, and fighting I am. I am fighting to preserve our freedoms, our Constitution, our rights, and our democracy. This is a domestic enemy we are fighting, and I hope YOU will join in on our battle. You will not only not regret it, but you will have contributed to this battle, and if (when) we win, you can say, with pride, that you did your part.
That is not all. There are many other ways to fight for our country.
Write essays, or letters, warning what will happen if Trump wins this election and publish them on social media. Write to your local newspaper warning of what will happen, and if necessary, force them to publish your letter.
I hope all of you, who are in contact with me, are reading these essays. I want to spread them further.
Perhaps you can podcast. I have a podcast of which I’ve discussed, chapter by chapter, a book I have written and published. It’s unrelated to this subject, but I hope to do a new podcast series covering these issues concerning the election.
Another way is by sending postcards.
There are organizations that focus on one state at a time, that have lists of unregistered voters. They will send you the postcards with printed address labels of these voters. You buy the postcards and the stamps, the postcards have a message are the importance of voting, and you write a message composed of two sentences urging the recipient to register to vote.
Here is an example of a postcard (I’ve sent 100 of these, so far) I’ve written to an unregistered voter in Arizona. Note that the first name was chosen at random.
Register to vote today! Can you ask 3 friends
to do the same?
Always include the recipient’s first name, so he or she will feel that you are writing to them personally (and you are) and they may want to go out and register, then vote. Also, sign you name at the bottom of the message.
Does it work? I think so.
The problem is that more Republicans are registered than Democrats, and this is a way to reverse this dilemma.
This is what I am doing so far, though I hope, and plan, to do more.
What are YOU doing?
What are your talents? What are your skills?
I can write, and I do have money, but not everyone has these, but they possess other skills that they can use.
Do you draw? Make illustrations about this election and the candidates, and what threats we are facing. In other words, be a political cartoonist, and publish your illustrations.
Are you good with public relations? Make speeches, or work at phone banks.
Go door to door and canvass people about the election.
Help people register to vote, be it going door to door or sitting at a table at a public event.
Work at events, festivals, gatherings, even demonstrations to get out the vote.
Go out, do something creative and original.
There is a wide variety of activities to perform.
Just don’t do nothing, because that is a sure fire way for our democracy to perish.
Sir Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Note, this also applies to women.
Doing nothing is not an option, because we can’t afford to pay the price.
We have the greatest threat hanging over us since the Civil War, but it can be defeated.
It all depends on YOU!
Alastair Browne